Firearm Violations Defense Attorneys in Waukesha County, WI

Milwaukee and Waukesha County Defense Lawyers for Clients Facing Weapons and Concealed Carry Charges
At Bucher Law Group, LLC, we provide comprehensive representation to individuals facing charges for all types of weapons-related crimes. Whether the offense in question is a misdemeanor or a felony, there is no such thing as a minor weapons charge, and we understand the challenges you may encounter throughout the process of investigation and prosecution. We are skilled and experienced and represent many concealed carry clients.
Protecting the Rights of Clients in Waukesha, Delafield, and throughout Waukesha County
The skilled attorneys at our firm have helped many clients facing weapons charges on both the state and federal levels. We recognize that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as it has been interpreted by the Supreme Court, guarantees the right of citizens to bear arms. Such rights, however, are not unlimited and when you are accused of violating the law in regard to weapon possession or the use of a firearm, you need an advocate who will fight for you. This is even more important when you use that weapon and deadly force is necessary.
Wisconsin law does not require an individual to obtain a specific license or permit before he or she can own a firearm, but to carry a concealed firearm, you must obtain a permit. There are also federal laws in place that could affect your ability to own, possess, or sell a gun. Our lawyers provide trusted guidance and tenacious courtroom representation in cases involving:
- Felons in possession of a firearm;
- Possession or sale of illegal firearms, such as machine guns and short-barreled shotguns; and
- Concealed carry violations, including carrying a concealed weapon without a valid permit.
We also realize that many other criminal offenses, such as robbery or assault, are substantially more serious if they involve the use of a weapon.
Second Call and Legal Defense Fund Lawyer in Wisconsin
Founding Attorney Paul Bucher proudly served as the Waukesha County District Attorney for nearly two decades. During that time, he was directly involved with several cases involving deadly shootings by both the police and private citizens. With his background, he is equipped to handle all types of concealed carry litigation. His experience in this area has also led to his selection as a defense attorney endorsed by Second Call Defense and Legal Defense Fund. Second Call is a group dedicated to helping concealed carry permit holders who have been forced by circumstances to use deadly force. Legal Defense Fund was founded and is run by peace officers for the protection of other officers who are facing legal concerns, including shooting-related cases.
Be sure to visit our resource page for additional helpful information regarding firearms, concealed carry, training, and much more.
Call 262-303-4961 Today
If you are facing weapons charges, you deserve strong representation from an attorney dedicated to protecting your rights. When you are in trouble, you need the very best. Call Bucher Law Group, LLC at 262-303-4916 for a free consultation with a member of our team today. Located in Delafield, our firm is proud to serve clients in Waukesha, Oconomowoc, Mukwonago, Muskego, New Berlin, Waukesha County, Milwaukee County, Hartland, the Lake Country area, and all areas in between.