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Bucher Law Group, LLC

Wisconsin Teen Faces Criminal Charges for Incident at High School

 Posted on December 30,2019 in Criminal Defense

Jefferson County weapons charges defense attorney

In 1999, the country was in shock when the nation’s first major school shooting took place at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Two teenage boys shot and killed 13 people and injured more than 20 others before they committed suicide. Since then, more events involving gun violence have taken place, many in schools. In the past couple of years, there have been dozens of incidents in which high school students have committed acts of violence using a weapon at school. In one recent event, a Waukesha, Wisconsin teen threatened fellow students with a pellet gun, resulting in an altercation with a police officer. 

Teen Shot Three Times By Police

Early in December of 2019, a Waukesha South High School student brought a pellet gun into school to scare the other students because he “was tired of being picked on,” according to authorities. The boy became upset when another student asked him about his plans for his 18th birthday. According to the charges filed, the teen pulled a pellet gun that looked like a handgun from his backpack and pointed it directly toward the student’s head.

A resource officer and detective first responded to the classroom where the incident took place and attempted to get the teen to take his hands out of his pockets. When other police officers arrived at the scene, the teen quickly removed his hands from his pockets and was holding the pellet gun. One police officer, acting in self-defense, shot the teen three times, twice in the arm and once in the leg.

Teen Now Faces Multiple Criminal Charges for Incident

Charges were filed against the Waukesha teen on December 9. Included in the list of charges are three misdemeanor charges, which are as follows:

  • Resisting or obstructing an officer - Class A misdemeanor

  • Disorderly conduct using a dangerous weapon - Class B misdemeanor

  • Possession of a dangerous weapon at school - Class A misdemeanor

The teen also faces a felony charge for second-degree recklessly endangering safety with a dangerous weapon, which is charged as a Class G felony. If the teen is convicted of all charges, he faces a minimum of 15 years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines.

Contact a Waukesha County Criminal Defense Lawyer 

Even though the Wisconsin teen did not actually have a real gun, he is still being charged with a felony charge for recklessly endangering the safety of others, among other charges. These are serious charges that should not be taken lightly, and they can pose huge consequences if they result in a conviction. At the Bucher Law Group, LLC, we have the experience you need when you are facing criminal charges. Our skilled Milwaukee County criminal defense attorneys can help you throughout the duration of your criminal case. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 262-303-4916.







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